Anyway, back to knitting. I should probably avoid posting some of the projects but my giftees do not read so I think I am safe to show a few. So far, they are only three in number…2 Foliage beanies, One So-Called Scarf.
Both projects are simple and simply divine. Easy and quick, gratifyingly pretty with just enough stitich definition to keep one entertained. Love them both. The aubergine Foliage hat turned out much more like a giant beret, ah, gauge. But I like it and it is going to someone with lots o’ hair, which I know about. The bigger the cap, the
better when wildy curly hair is involved. The hats are in Manos De Uruguay, the scarf in Malabrigo. I have to say, the Malabrigo sure does beat out Manos in softness of hand, colorwise I find them a tie. The Manos I have is very subtly variegated and very pretty. The second Foliage is on its way to completion, just a few more rows. I highly recommend this hat for anyone needing a super quick knit, I finished the first in two days, record time for a Mama of twins. Any other person would have this thing banged out in a few hours, but, alas, for me, nap time is never predictable and i fall asleep during night knotting.
Next up is an attempt at a felted purse. I have a few skiens of Manos lying around begging to be felted. Any suggestions for a simple tote that would require only 2-3 skeins? I was going to just randomly design something but if there are any readers who can point out a nice pattern , I would check it out. Or I guess I could do ravelry, but I have not been that great about using my coveted access (actually, they probably have servers and users galore now). Anyway, suggestions appreciated.
Bean news: Owen is out of control. He is trying to pull to stand, the other morning I looked down and he was standing up using my hip while I lay on my side. No mercy for us. My mam says I was walking at 9 months. Boy after his Mama’s heart. Mason is a bit more stationary, content to slap around and only moving when he really wants something. His brother ends up bringing him most stuff anyway. Can I just say…I love this time. It is so different than the early months. They are so cool with their moving and shaking, laughing and talking. Unbelievable, that we made these little people. They both love eating now, brekky and dinner are actually fun. They take two totally different approaches, Owen loves to feed himself, Mason loves it when his Daddy does kamikaze airplane into his mouth. The wonder I feel when I watch them, it is everything they say. Sure, things are unbelievably crazy sometimes, but I love it all. And sleep has come in a compromised form.
We have taken to a mixture of crib and co-sleep. Whatever works to get mama at least 4-5 hours, I will take it. And there is nothing like snuggling a warm baby body in the still of the night. Only time I will get to. Read this blog if you are a new parent. I love this woman and her amazing writing voice. She is reasonable and practical and so darn reassuring. If you are struggling right now, read her. If you are not, read her, because at some point you will be. She says we we need to hear. A)We are not screwing up our kids. B) We are doing a good job. And the best part is that there are so many other parents that comment on their experiences, it really releases some of the vacuum of early parenthood. So swing by and read some of her archives. Her sleep advice is great…do what works. There is also a really good post on the type of baby you may have, Tension Releaser vs. Tension Increaser. Sounds weird but it is so logical. It makes sense and I have found we have one of each.
Anyway, baby news covered. Knit news semi-covered. Other stuff not really that exciting other than the fact that I might have a new little project to show that requires thread and needle (if they do not end up too wonky). Signing out for now.
I'm so impressed you are already thinking about (and making!) Christmas presents. I am still in denial, but I am with you on the handmade vs plasma screen gifts. Your knitting projects are beautiful.
Isn't it wonderful how babies just get more and more interesting and fun to be with! I can't believe Owen is trying to stand already - they are both amazing gorgeous little jumping beans.
You are so awesome! I love the scarf, I think I need to make that for a Christmas gift too! Thanks for linking to the Moxie website, that's just what I needed to hear :) Especially since Robby is STILL sleeping with us at night! And you're right, there is nothing like sniffing baby's hair while they are sleeping! I can't believe Owen is already standing up! Good thing Mason is a little more stationary, or things would be totally crazy trying to keep up with two active little ones.. It sounds like you guys are doing great with the feeding thing, and the sleeping thing, you're an expert x 2 :D
I love those knitties.
But I love those kiddies more. They are so cute. Every time I see their pictures I just want to reach through and pinch. Let's shoot for that Thursday. I hope I don't have to work in D's classroom. I will check. Miss ya.
i can hardly believe that christmas is right around the corner! i don't think that anyone is getting handknits this year :( there's just no time. i wish i could do it because i love giving them away!
Hehehe... I don't xmas knitting :) So no pressure whatsoever to make something :)
BTW those boys are getting really big already :) I'm amazed at how much the baby on the left (sorry... don't know which one is which :)) looks like his daddy!!!
Cheers Eva
The easy, peasiest felted bag to make is from Magknits and it's called a 'booga' bag. I've made so many I've lost track. Google it and you'll find the free pattern. Good luck!
I adore that hat. You look so good in it. Where is the pattern from?
happy thanksgiving to you and the whole family, amiee!!!!
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