I was praying for help at the start of this month, prayers of pleading for mercy, for change, for anything that could help us. We were spending more time awake with you than asleep in those weeks and things were unraveling. And then the day came when I tuned into the answers we were receiving and that day marked change in our experiences.
Our nights proceeded to deteriorate from that point on and we found ourselves feeding and co-sleeping and changing beds and constantly on edge waiting, just waiting for it to get worse. The morning I woke up and told my mom that I just wanted to leave, to be done, to be away was the worst….I literally could not feel anymore, sleep deprivation had taken it’s worst toll.
Then that day three things happened. I read a blog post from another twin mama detailing their approach to sleep with twins, I spoke with my friend again and her amazing articulate husband, and I received permission, actually instruction to let them cry from my TCM practitioner, Dr. Chen. The universe came together on that day to give me what I needed, the courage to try something different and to let it happen. It was so very scary, anticipating disaster that first night, but it went unbelievably well and the night morning dawned and I felt hope and joy for the first time in weeks.
Since that day we have been experiencing progress with sleep, both for you and for me and for Daddy. It has it’s own challenges, letting you cry, letting you explore what it is you need in order to settle, but it has rewards too. You both now go down successfully each night around 7 and most nights make it until 5 a.m. This happens without too much intervention from us, sometimes a little pat, sometimes a little cuddle, but no feeding, no taking you out of the room, usually not even out of the crib. Yes, 5 is still early, but I will take it over waking ten times a night any day.
The month was not just about sleep, so many significant developments occurred. Owen, you cut your first teeth, right here on the bottom, found by cousin Erinn while she held you at Grandpa’s 80th birthday celebration. It was so great to have a family member find your little sharpie (man, those teeth are lethal. Kinda’ makes me grateful I do not breastfeed, can‘t imagine that latched on my nipple)…and our extended family just loves you both so much. This month of holiday celebrations re-introduced you to many new family members that we do not often see. All of them were so delighted to get to know you a bit more and they commented on your handsomeness (Owen) and cuteness (Mason) (a prevailing theme, I might add)
Daddy and I marvel at you daily, when you fall asleep we are happy for the quiet moments, but more often than not find ourselves discussing our days, your ways and how we cannot wait to see you again. And then we joke that we are not talking about seeing you between the hours of 11 and 4 because that is just not a fun time for anyone. But we are seeing you establish independence, learn about your world, and discover your voices and your selves. The babbles of Mama and Dada are not truly directed at us yet, but it is exciting to know they will be and we will become those names to you.
I will hold this month and all the previous close, close to my heart. How can it be that my babies are marking their eighth month, their first holiday season is almost at a close, their first teeth in? How will I remember this time? Will I look back and read these entries and remember, truly remember? I wonder at times.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Welcome to the world of Holidays and family and love, love, love. And remember Mama loves you so very much.