Thursday, April 01, 2010

April :: Celebrate The Spring

Feeling just a bit disconcerted by the fact that today marks the start of the month of April. Very disconcerted in fact. In a few more days the little boys that reside in this home will reach the three mark, a fact that still slightly astonishes me. Especially because 2 seems like it happened in the not too distant past.

Easter knits vests
Easter knits vests

The lovely thing about their growth is the way we can engage in Life so much with them. This weekend marks Easter and though we are quite secular round these parts these days it still holds significance in our lives. I grew up deeply entrenched in the Catholic tradition and I so loved Easter dresses and Sunday sunrise Mass and the egg hunt and the bewildering mystery of that man disappearing from the tomb. It may be what drives me to prepare so carefully for the weekend upcoming.

This year I followed a newish tradition of making their Easter outfits, not quite finished but almost there. But what I really wanted to share was a quick project for their Easter basket.

Easter crafting

I found a simple tutorial on Maya made for 'baskets' that would use up the crap ton of felt I bought by the yard some time ago. The great part is there is very little finishing to do as felt can be cut and left. The baskets took about 30 minutes each and the plan is to keep adding little embellishments with the boys over the next few days. And also the all important Initial.

Easter crafting

So as to avoid any mix up on the part of the boys and possibly avoid all out war.

They require a little stabilizer in the bottom (right now a quilting cutting square is giving the support) but otherwise I am done, free to return to the droll task of sewing buttons onto their sweet new pants.

One other quick project came together for their school Spring party. The boys each were asked to bring in a dozen plastic eggs (no candy just little bits inside) in an egg carton. The plan: hide the eggs (der) and then each child would find eggs until their carton was full (brilliant). We had done a little painting fun on paper which we (I) cut into egg shapes, then used some more from the felt stash as an Initial.

Easter crafting

Totally unnecessary, but I love seeing bits of their art making it into our collective consciousness.

Easter crafting
Easter crafting

I like the idea of using the empty egg carton as a regulator for the number of eggs collected...and they had a blast at the school party and have been fiddling with all the cute egg treats and carrying the cartons around all afternoon.

So, still lots to do for the weekend.

Easter crafting

The list is not too daunting :: some egg dying, deviled eggs, candy procurement for the plastic eggs, some treats for their basket. The great news :: We are going to other folks homes for celebration. Right on. No cleaning to do, just some food and egg prep. What a sweet relief it is. Gives me some time to try my hand at these (Purl bee bunny finger puppets) for their baskets. And the button sewing. Arg, back to the button sewing.

Easter sewing

Tomorrow...some Spring sewing and knitting. If I finish those darn buttons.

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